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Street Lamp

The smart street lamp refers to a street lamp that realizes the remote centralized control and management of the street lamp by applying advanced, efficient and reliable PLC (power line carrier communication) technology and wireless GPRS/CDMA communication technology. The smart street lamp has automatic brightness adjustment and remote lighting control according to the traffic flow , Automatic fault alarm, lamp cable anti-theft, remote meter reading and other functions, can greatly save power resources, improve the level of public lighting management, and save maintenance costs.

IVY's SLS (street lamp system)started in the year of 2016. It's composed by smart lamp, data concentrator, SLS system. It can be used in city,residential area, school, centre park...built-in Din rail meter with compact size is usually applied in smart lamp to realize measuring, matching with latching relay & concentrator, it can be readout for data analysis and remote control for energy-saving. Same time, we already have a successful pilot in overseas market. Hence we believe it will gain a place in new cities with high quality and reasonable price.

Street Lamp

There are a large number of street lights in the city as the most dense urban infrastructure, which facilitates the collection and release of information.Smart lamp quietly added a bright brilliance to rural construction in many countries also means an important source of Internet of Things in the future. In a word, small street lamp, great wisdom. With the development of cities around the world, the number of street lights is expected to reach 350 million in 2025.

If any inquires plz feel free to contact us and let's tailor the SLS for you as per your application or let us help you to fulfill cost-efficient design of your own street lamp system. One-step serives from components to finished products is saying Hello to you!

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